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1m svga Verlängerungskabel – Premium-Qualität / video / multiple geschirmt / DB15 / Monitor / männlich zu weiblich / Blei

6,64 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 20. Februar 2018 22:47
SVGA (Super video Graphics Array)On paper, the original Super VGA was to be succeeded by Super XGA but in practice the industry soon abandoned the attempt to provide a unique name for each higher display standardand almost all display systems made between the late 1990s and the early 2000s are classed as Super VGA.Monitor manufacturers sometimes advertise their products as XGA or Super XGA. In practice this means little,since all Super VGA monitors manufactured since the later 1990s have been capable of at least XGA and usually considerably higher performance.SVGA uses a VGA connector, the same DE-15 (a.k.a. HD-15) as the original standard.


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6,64 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 20. Februar 2018 22:47

6,64 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 20. Februar 2018 22:47